Board Meeting
Minutes of the Clayton Public Library
October 15, 2024
The monthly meeting of the Clayton Public Library was called to order by the
President Janet Rigg on October 15 at 6 p.m.
Officers present: President Janet Rigg, Vice-President Vanessa Davis, Secretary Barbara Graff, Treasurer Brenda Graff, members Becky Barlow and Charlotte Krueger, and Library Director Samantha Freed.
Members absent: Angie Edison and Suzanne Ryssman
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s report was read. Becky Barlow, seconded by Vanessa Davis, moved to accept the report as read. The motion was approved, and it carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented. The monthly balance is $58,146.32. Barbara Graff made a motion seconded by Charlotte Krueger to accept the report. Motion approved. Motion carried.
New Business
Treasurer Brenda Graff proposed hiring Mavis Lantz from Mavis Lantz Taxes and Accounting to handle state and federal taxes. Vanessa Davis made a motion, seconded by Becky Barlow, to hire the firm for tax purposes. The motion was approved. The motion carried.
Marcie Staley purchased a display cabinet for $50.00 for the History Room. Barbara Graff made a motion seconded by Charlette Krueger. Motion approved. Motion carried.
Director Samatha Freed presented the following:
1. The decision has been made to close the open Program Assistant position. Linda Killa will continue in her role as Circulation Clerk and will assist with programs as scheduled.
2. Information about the learning app Beanstack was presented. It has many features to accelerate reading skills. A 3-year subscription costs $799.00, and a 1-year subscription costs $919.00. After discussion, Samantha suggested tabling it until the next meeting.
3. Samantha asked for permission to complete work from home. Becky Barlow made a motion, which was seconded by Vanessa Davis, to accept. Motion approved. Motion carried.
4. Samantha suggested starting a Granny Patch quilt. Lessons will begin soon, and more information will follow.
5. Samantha is receiving a free WhaZoale to test at the library. This screen-free audio device is for 3rd through 12th grade and focuses on building reading skills.
Other Business
Becky Barlow will donate a card shuffler for game day.
Barbara Graff thanked Becky Barlow, Charlotte Krueger, Samantha Freed, and Linda Kill for all the articles they collected for Adams County's 200th anniversary.
Becky Barlow, Charlotte Kreuger, Vanessa Davis, and Janet Rigg’s board positions are up for reelection in 2025. Paperwork must be completed by November and submitted to the Adams County Circuit Clerk.
President Janet Rigg adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kay Graff
The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 19 at 6 p.m. at the library.