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Board Meetings

The Clayton Public Library District Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.

January 2025

The Clayton Public Library District Board of Trustees met on January 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. at Becky Barlow’s residence. Officers present included President Janet Rigg, Vice-President Vanessa Davis, Treasurer Brenda Graff, and Secretary Barbara Graff. Members in attendance were Becky Barlow, Charlotte Krueger, Angie Edison, Library Director Samantha Freed, and Assistant Librarian Marcie Staley. Suzanne Rossyman was absent.

The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were read and accepted. A motion to accept the Ordinance No. 4 report as read was made by Becky Barlow and seconded by Angie Edison, which was approved by the board. The board also approved hiring Mavis Lantz to manage payroll and payroll tax services at a rate of $100 per month. This motion was initiated by Charlotte Krueger and seconded by Becky Barlow.

The Director discussed plans for the removal of two double-sided wooden bookshelves currently displaying books. These shelves will be stored in the storytime room closet to free up the space, which may be repurposed for a different book section adjacent to the Juvenile Fiction collection. New books will be displayed on slat wall end caps of existing bookcases once slat walls are delivered and installed. The township has requested a 60-day extension for the removal of their items. No updates were available regarding the painting of the History Room.

 A meeting about the Hoopla website is scheduled for Thursday, January 23, and patrons will have excess starting the week of January 28th. The library’s first Adult Art Day will take place on February 7 at 2:00 p.m., during which attendees will create Valentine’s Day cards. Additionally, the Director had preliminary discussions about the Summer Reading Program theme and possible date ranges. 

The board approved a $50 memorial donation for Fritzie Harper, with the motion made by Barbara Graff and seconded by Becky Barlow. At 8:20 p.m., the board entered a closed session and returned to the regular meeting at 8:53 p.m. During the closed session, it was decided that part-time employees would receive an hourly wage of $16.00 after completing a six-month probationary period. The board also approved a $400 clothing allowance for three employees for the 2025 calendar year. This motion was initiated by Barbara Graff and seconded by Charlotte Krueger. 

The meeting was adjourned following a motion by Becky Barlow, seconded by Angie Edison. The next board meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2025, at the Clayton Public Library.